The Lost Islands

We run the world(Ylva & Any)

For now his herd was safe. HE had finally prevailed over Rougaru and even though his rump hurt from Rougaru's bite he would live and heal to fight another day. Unless Zjeena and he could come to some kind of agreement though he was pretty damn sure Rougaru would be back. He was tired of this but there was very little he could do about it. He was not gonna say he'd have nothing to do with his upcoming foal. That was a big no no he would have everything to do with his child. However, he has decided if Zjeena herself agree's to it that is. Rougaru lost his chance to truly bargin in Zjeena's name.

Liland moves away from the beach after watching the beast leave. His nostrils flare as he makes to follow Ylva scent. HE calls for her wanting to see his queen. Finally she comes into site and he moves towards her nickering again.Ylva love, I have won. You and the others are safe for nowHe says softly moving to nuzzle her. He had been so scared, especially since Ylva had decided to have his foal. He nuzzles her once more before moving back afew paces.How are you today?He asks. His ears were twtiching listening for any others.


html by sabrina


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