The Lost Islands

daylight, i dream of you softly


In spite of her initial flutter of jealousy upon seeing Liland with another mare, Ylva’s first impressions of Pidgeon are positive. The mare is around her age, maybe a little younger, and though she seems a bit nervous, she is friendly enough, and definitely not a threat. Ylva’s face is bright with a smile as Pidgeon greets her, but this smile falters somewhat when Pidgeon trips over her words. Liland told me, she’d said, as if Liland had forced her to come. Ylva only wonders about this for a moment, however, before brushing it off as an innocent slip-up. The Liland she knows would never force a mare to come here against her will.

Though Ylva is well aware of the unspoken tension between her and Havelle - it’s been hanging around for some time, in spite of her efforts to be friendly - she is blissfully oblivious to the filly’s cautious approach until Liland draws attention to her. Ylva side-eyes Havelle, saying nothing and offering her a tentative smile. Her watchful brown eyes observe the interactions between father and daughter and newcomer, and she feels reassured to hear Liland say that he’s given Pidgeon a choice as to whether to stay.

Then Pidgeon offers a little information about herself, and Ylva nods with understanding, feeling the momentary tension from before dissipating as the mare opens up. Pidgeon’s story sounds similar to her own, which makes Ylva see a little of her younger self in the mare. She makes a mental note to seek her out later for a private chat, to get to know her better. “I was new to the islands myself a couple years ago,” Ylva says with a gentle smile, a little of her native lilt slipping out subconsciously. “I know it can be a little overwhelming to encounter so many new faces and places at once. But there’s no pressure for you to make your decision. Just relax and try to enjoy yourself.”

[ooc: dunno if you guys wanna leave it here or get a couple more posts in?]

4; norwegian fjord; red dun pangare; 14hh
mother of harley quinn, joker, & torsten

html, image, & character by shiva


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