The Lost Islands

the wolf feeds in the forest

Havelle's stomach rumbles, but she continues to pace a worn path into the grassy hillside. She won't dip her head to graze, however her hunger urges her to. The herd gathers nearby. Everyone deals with with the news of a challenge in their own way, but Havelle keeps an anxious eye on the horizon.

It doesn't matter to her who wins or loses. It's the initiation of this challenge that speak of a changing in her parents' dynamic. Since Zjeena's release to Paradise her parents have been distant but civil. This isn't civil. Havelle wonders if her mother has lost her pull with Rougaru or if her mother let Rougaru issue the challenge. Havelle doesn't know which one would be worse.

Havelle doesn't know how long she frets. It feels like an eternity before Liland returns to them, brused and battered, exhaustion in his stride. Havelle wastes no time moving to greet him. She trots to him, her ears drawn and her eyes brimming with concern. Father! You won? Seeing Liland and not Rougaru coming for them speaks of the Fjord stallion's victory. "Are you okay?" Havelle worries over Liland. Her eyes find all the scars scattered across his coat, many of them bloodied and new.

1 Year, ♀️, Fjord, Dun EE Aa Dd, 14.1 Hands, Sabrina


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