The Lost Islands

We run the world

These two mare definietly were different then the rest of his herd. They had such bubbly personalities that he wasn't exact sure what to do with it. The only time Liland became a little demanding of mares remaining with him is if they carried his foals, because he wants to know them and he wants them to know him and it hard for him to be without them. It was hard for him to send Rayna away and then nattergal and then he traded Bran to shamwari for the safety of the rest of his family. He had seen how Bran was not happy so he thought this move would make him happy.

He lets the two mares speak happy that at least these two seemed to hit it off. It makes him happy because he wants everyone in his herd to be friends. I am good Pidgeon, well more then good I am happy and happy that you two are hitting it off already. I wish for you all to be happy and healthy. I am sure the others will eventually find their way to meeting you both. He said as he peeped in.Come Pidgeon shall we show Grier where there is fresh water and grass to eat? He asks finally


html by sabrina


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