The Lost Islands

daylight, i dream of you softly


Zjeena. When Liland speaks her name, a chill runs through Ylva, as though he has spoken of the dead. Her name carries so much weight in this herd, for reasons Ylva does not fully understand, and she can see it in Liland’s face, written there in the lines of his exhaustion. Her heart goes out to him, but also stabs with something like jealousy. With pregnancy hormones rushing through her, hearing Liland speak of his ex-lead mare is almost too much.

Now might have been an opportunity for her to finally ask him for the truth about everything that had happened between him, Zjeena, and Rougaru, but she opts to change the subject instead.

“Whatever happens, Liland, we’ll find a way out of it. Hopefully he won’t bother us again.” Her voice is soft but strong, like silk, as he leans forward to touch him again. In that moment her jealousy melts away into something else, something so fiercely warm that she feels as though her heart might burst. The thought that she had been so close to losing Liland and her safety in this herd not so very long ago is humbling.

“I hope our child knows what peace is,” she breathes into his neck.

4; norwegian fjord; red dun pangare; 14hh
mother of harley quinn, joker, & torsten

html, image, & character by shiva

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