The Lost Islands

the wolf feeds in the forest

It tears Havelle apart to see her father like this. He carries the burden of Rougaru's actions, and the weight of regret is a heavy load to carry too. It hurts to see her parents at odds like this. What Havelle wouldn't give to see her family whole again.

Havelle is intent on her father's face as he attempts an explanation. She nods, but there's a lot missing without Zjeena's input. The truth is, Liland doesn't know the answers to all of her questions.

Havelle starts talking before her brain has a chance to catch up. "Dad, I can go talk to her, see what's going on, and see what she need from you for all of this to stop." If they all want this to stop, then why not just communicate? Surely there's something they can do to keep the fragile peace between Paradise and the Bay. The implications of such a mission have yet to cross her mind. "There has to be something we can do to keep Rougaru from challenging us again."

Until now, Havelle has stayed out of the conflict between her parents. She's tried to remain neutral, to know as little as possible. It's easier that way, just not knowing, but now, her parents need help, and she's the only one left who can. It's in this moment, with a tentative hope written across her face, and a kind offer of diplomacy spread out upon the table that Havelle looks so much like her mother.

1 Year, ♀️, Fjord, Dun EE Aa Dd, 14.1 Hands, Sabrina


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