The Lost Islands

the wolf feeds in the forest

Havelle nods solemnly at Liland's words. She repeats the terms back to him, to confirm them with him. "I will tell her. She can stay in Paradise as long as you can be there for the birth and maintain visitation rights. You wish to visit at least a few times per week." She nods again. "I will tell her you're sorry..." Havelle lets out a trembling breath, steeling her resolve. Zjeena has been nothing but conversational with her. She hopes Zjeena will listen to her.

A chill wind sweeps across the Bay, bringing with it, the sweet smell of salt water and pine, and the vague feeling that something should soon change for all of them. Havelle shivers, but not from the cold.

The filly reaches out to touch her muzzle to Liland's and exchange parting breaths. "I'll go now. I'll be back soon." Her brows knit with concern. "Rest up, father. Stay strong." A tender look lingers for just a moment longer, before the filly moves past her father and towards the southern shore. Her heart beats with purpose and her eyes lose the softness of sympathy for the hardness of determination.

Their next conversation will shape the future of the Bay, for better or for worse.

1 Year, ♀️, Fjord, Dun EE Aa Dd, 14.1 Hands, Sabrina


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