The Lost Islands

The Moors of My Father


Belikov is about 13.3 Hands tall now but would get to be 15 hands tall. His body and neck looked much like his fathers the norwegian fjord. His face though was dished like the arabian in him and his tail was higher because of an extra vertebrae in it. His mane was double colored like the fjord in him with black in the inside and white on the outside his tail as well was colored this way. He was a bay dun Sabino in coloring. His face is bald marking with his right eye being blue and his left being brown.
The young colt was troubled with ihs situation. He didn't know how to deal with having his mother on one island and his father on this island. He would visit his mother once on his own ,but this had to go both ways. His mother would need to put the effort in as well to come see him. He hoped she would but he knew it wasn't in her being to travel outside the herd but will she step out of her comfort zone for him? He didn't know.

He was dozing when he heard others running in this general direction. His head lifts up and his ears go forward as he sees Havelle, followed by a colt he did not know.(assuming Bacardi followed lol). He snorts as he calls to his older half sister.You've been followed SisHe said moving toward his sister a little bit in an intimidating posture. He would protect his sister even though she was older.

Colt . 1 . Fjord X Arabian Mutt . Bay Dun Sabino . 15HH WFG


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