The Lost Islands

the wolf feeds in the forest

Havelle has proudly carried out several missions for Liland in recent months. These missions give her a sense of purpose. They make her feel important, trusted, and grown, but this most recent mission has been, by far, the most difficult. She walks a narrow line between her two parents. It's a delicate balance, trying to stay neutral in their war. The more the learns, the less understanding she seems to have. Their conflict is complex, and turbulent. It's not one that can be resolved with a single message passed. Havelle tried to get Zjeena to rein Rougaru in, but Liland's demands for free access to Paradise or the right to hold Zjeena in the Bay were rejected, and another challenge for the Bay herd followed. The future of the entire bay herd rides on both Zjeena's choice, and Liland's response to this loss.

The filly approaches the gathering and steps up beside her father. Her heart is heavy with foreboding. She takes a deep breath, and casts a reassuring glance to Liland. Zjeena is not in this to harm the mares, and she isn't one to hold hostages. This is a tactical move to get Bay herd alone, without Liland to interfere, and let the truth be heard. There are two sides to every story, after all, and Zjeena is tired of Liland's side being the only one told.

Havelle lifts her chin to the small gathering and projects her voice over the group. Her shoulders are shaking, both with nerves and from bitter cold winds shearing across her sea-dampened coat, but her voice rings clear. "I have been to Paradise. Rougaru has won you in battle, but he leaves your fate up to my mother. My mother requests that everyone go to Paradise now. She would like to meet with you all there. She will provide further details when you arrive."

Zjeena gave Havelle the option to stay in the Bay with Liland or come to Paradise with the herd. Her heart is torn by more than one sense of duty. During her travels back to the bay she made a decision to return to Paradise with the herd. She will keep an eye on them for Liland, and help to ensure their safe passage between the two territories. She only hopes her father understands her decision is not meant as an affront against him. She will go for him, to keep the bay herd safe where their leaders cannot follow.

Havelle turns to her father, explaining her positions in hushed tones. "Father, mother gave the the option to stay here or return to Paradise. I will travel with them to Paradise to ensure safe travels and act as a liaison between the Bay and Paradise while I am there." Once again, Havelle is forced to play the part of someone much older. She is barely two years old, and she carries herself with all the poise of a seasoned lead. "Please, don't do anything rash while we're gone. I'm sure mother won't hold these mares for long."

1 Year, ♀️, Fjord, Dun EE Aa Dd, 14.1 Hands, Sabrina


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