The Lost Islands

Burn the Ships(herd)

The wait was painful for him. He hoped Zjeena was still the thoughtful mare she once was. If she was she would know leaving Liland here alone would be a death sentence. If winter didn't get him the wolves would. He didn't know if his mind could deal with being alone. It was Grier who approached first and he listens to her and his ears temporarily go back.Grier do not fret, no matter what I will do what I need to do to get you home before the young one is bornhe said calmly as he eyed the other mares.

Then his ears flick as Havelle comes up next t ohim. She gives him a reassuring look so at first he thought maybe Zjeena would be leniant but then her words leave her mouth and he looks away at that. Further details? What exactly does that mean? He knew Zjeena no more. Then Havelle admits her mother said she could stay but she was choosing to go.

Even though it did make him proud it also made him even more sad. The problem Havelle is that this isn't just to take you all from me, it is a death sentence. One can not thrive in Tinuvel without the help of a herd. If Winter does not claim me the wolves will. It will only take the wolves a week to realize I am alone and then I will have choices to make and I will not leave the bay it is my home. So I will either wither away or be eaten if they and you do not return within a few weeksHe said. So if by next week no one is home I will have to do something Rash to bring other horses within the bay it will be inevitable as I must do what I can to protect myself, and that includes taking from other stallions if I must The other stallion would be Rougaru. He'd wait a week to know when the mares and foals would return to him if they weren't going to return before spring he would act accordingly. I will do what I must Havelle, but if I am to be alone for more then a week then I could very well be sentenced to die. One does not live in Tinuvel alone. I will be forced to either sleep and eat or keep watch for the wolves and others I will not be able to do both it is why we live in herds. Taking ones whole herd is a death sentence Havelle. He said And as if on cue the wolves began to howl signifying they were on a hunt. He wasn't sure which he feared most, living alone and wondering when he'd see his family again or the pack of wolves the roamed the island.

He was not happy about this, he just got home and now he was being forced to leave again? this isn't fair! I just got home from being forced to go to the ridge now these others want us to go to their place? Father's quarrel has nothing to do with us so why must we suffer? He says stomping his hoof on the sand beneath his hooves.

Norwegian Fjord, stallion, grå, 14.3 HH, Katie


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