The Lost Islands

The Tides of Change

Adelia had watched in horror as everything unfolded. Cherish was ushering her, Zafar & Nagini toward the ocean but Adelia heart is with Augustine. Augustine is finally able to breakaway from the group with severe injuries she is sure but he and them rush into the ocean and they swim. Between tending to Nagini and Zafar she tries her best to help her mate, her love the only reason she hadn't tried to escape the lagoon earlier.

It takes them awhile to get to the rumored home of her father who she hasn't seen ina few years thanks to Adolfo wisking her away with him. Augustine collapses however and she like Cherish rush's to his side. augustine love please get up!She urges pushing her head against his side to try and get him to get up but he does not move.

He is then talking to his mother and Adelia's ears go back at his words. Then his words turn to her. augustine love please don't talk like this, please don't leave us....meShe says softly as she presses her face against him tears leaving her eyes. no love please come back! Don't leave us! But it was too late he was gone. She goes down to lay on her underside legs tucked up and her head pressed to his body.

Zafar and Nagini swim keeping close to their mother and cherish and father. When they get to shore they watch their father collapse. Dad! DADHe cries out after his little speach to them. Nagini listens to his words and her ears plane out and tears leave her father.I love you dadShe says softly.

Liland is alone , the wolves were starting to take notice of this. So Liland made it a habit to never stay in one place. Though he has barely been able to eat enough food. He had just lost his family to Rougaru. He was walking the beach finding it the safest place to wander when he sees the horses in the distance. He stares at them and starts to Recognize Adelia. He moves toward them. Adelia?He asks. He can see she is upset and he can see why. The stallion must of been her mate as some would call it.

Norwegian Fjord, stallion, grå, 14.3 HH, Katie

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