The Lost Islands

Burn the Ships

He won that first battle but he knew Rougaaru would be back in the winter. He had no clue who would win that one but he would keep fighting the beast for his mares none the less. He would not fall prey to the depression that took him the first time. Yes he got mad and upset when Bjorn stole Wren and Belikov but with the return of Belikov he just let it go. Wren wanted to be in the ridge so he accepted it. His mares were free to leave when ever they wanted after all, none where hostage here at least not any more. With both Talien and Ylva added to his herd the two mares really seemed to have an effect on his mind and have been able to help him cope with everything that has happened. He regretted how he had treated Zjeena on her return he really did but there was nothing he could do now. He could apologize to her till he was blue in the face but he feels she may never accept it or even if she internally did she'd never say it.

There was no point in dwelling on the past Fall was on its way out and he knew Rougaru would be coming again he could just feel it. However, he was not on his shores right now so he grazed with the herd. He had noticed Talien had been MIA for a while now. Then his ears twitch as he heard her voice. It seemed rather excited or happy. That got his attention. He couldn't make out her words though. So he began moving toward the beach and as he drew closer his ears heard a stallions voice. One ear goes back warily as he comes upon the scene.

Both ears then go forward as he nickers to them. His eyes focused on the stallion. Talien, Im glad you are home I was starting to get a little worriedhe said calmly. who have you brought home?He asks calmly.My name is LilandHe said calmly to the stallion.

Norwegian Fjord, stallion, grå, 14.3 HH, Katie


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