The Lost Islands

at once a voice arose among


the small speckled mare isn’t used to the dynamic of a herd. she is used to spending her time alone, wandering happily. despite her bubbly nature, curious and open about all things, she often feels dreadfully awkward trying to include herself in the small group of mares that make up her new little family. though everyone has been welcoming and sweet she is particularly taken with Grier and is often at the small roan mares flank when she isn’t off wandering. pidgeon is a fountain of babble most of time time, but surprisingly she finds she talks less in the small mare’s presence. she would take any opportunity she could to listen to the lilting voice and wonderful accent. as it was that day she had been just a few yards away from the rest of their little group when liland approached solemnly, calling out for them.

pidgeon’s soft dark eyes scan the group, finding the little strawberry roan and white mare and settling in beside her. she sees sorrow and unease written on liland’s features but she is rather clueless as to why he has been in so many scuffles recently. she knows it involves the large stallion she had met briefly when she had been claimed by liland but the rest of it seems to go over her head. she is soft hearted though and a small flush of dismay washes over her when he explains. she nods along with grier’s remark about him having done all he could, reaching out to touch his shoulder softly in an effort to comfort him.

she does not have a chance to speak her own condolence, though the words come bubbling forth in her mind easily enough, as havelle approaches and delivers their fate.

she regards the filly closely, noting how her hide dances with nerves and the cold. despite this she explains their future clearly. pidgeon’s eyes widen, realizing the full gravity of the situation then. they were to travel to paradise. her attention drifts from the group for a moment, as she glances back longingly toward the tall fortress of pine trees in the distance that had become her little haven. her spotted hide dances with a small shiver, caused by neither excitement nor anxiety but something in-between.

she is relieved at least that she will not be separated from her new friend, edging slightly closer to grier’s side so that they are nearly touching. she takes her turn to speak then, her voice quiet and tender toward liland who was clearly distressed over this turn of events. ”i’m sorry Liland. everything will work out i’m sure. at least the rest of us will be together for the journey… and i do hope you’ll stay safe for now.” she offers her words with a sweet innocence, her voice hopeful and positive. though she still hadn’t formed a serious relationship with the grullo stallion, nor did she carry his child, she still felt somewhat tenderly toward him and hated to see him so upset.

|mare . bay leopard . drafty little mutt . 3 years . 14.1 hh . kafkaesque|
html by dante!


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