The Lost Islands

Until the ashes of eden fall


Honestly, he didn't know how he should feel or what he should think. Bel just felt numb as he arrives to the gathering of the herd. He heard bit and pieces if what everyone was saying, but the just of it was someone else won this herd in a battle. He, a son of Liland, was no longer owned by Liland. Not that he thought he should be owned by anyone, but if he had to be it would be his father. He didn't see anything good happening by being taken by another male nor did he see anything good happening to the mares of his father. Even still, he feels numb.

Bel studies the two mares he father had recently brought in just as Liland explains wolves would be at his side the moment they all left. He thought his father was just being dramatic, but it was true they were herd creatures. A horse does not typically live alone unless they were sick. Was Liland sick? No, he had just lost a battle to this Rougaru stallion he kept warning them about.

The bay leopard mare speaks up and adds a good point. They were all be together even if they were not with Liland. His head nods though he says nothing as his eyes begin to search for Talien. He trusted the mare as much as he did father as she helped raise him the most. Wren had helped some, but she was quick to escape from Liland when she got the chance. She left behind her son just get to away from father. He wonders why that was.

Until the ashes of eden fall


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