The Lost Islands

never letting you go

He was totally out of the loop when it came to all the tension between Liland and another island stallion but it wasn't hard to pick up on the fact something bad happened. When Talien and he first swam ashore, he could smell it in the air. Next thing he knew, Liland was calling the herd together so he followed the unmistakable scent of Talien toward the gathering. He had gone to explore the rest of the herd lands a little when they arrived, not wanting Talien to feel like he was never going to let her out of his sight. He didn't want to, but he didn't want to crowd her either. Besides, he was sure she wanted to see her daughter and make sure she was okay and he didn't want to startle the filly when she saw a strange stallion with her mother. He was sure they would meet eventually but he didn't want to throw any wrenches in the comfortable life Talien had built for herself.

When he finally did make it past the tree line and into the open area where Liland had called the herd, it didn't take his green eyes long to pick out the amber champagne color of Talien's coat. She stood close to a younger colt and his ears flicked in curiosity as he trotted toward them. She said she had a daughter but she never said anything about a son. The closer he looked at the colt though, the less similiarities he saw between her and him. He had a similar coat color but that's where it ended. He seemed more stocky, built more like Liland than Talien's slender figure. Sure, he could just take more after his father, but Dex wouldn't put it past his beloved to shelter someone's else's foal. He didn't want to interrupt the herd meeting so he was silent as he approached, delicately sliding along Talien's other side so the colt could still receive her comfort as well.

He listened as Talien spoke, her words so soft he almost missed them but his head tilted, gaze studying her pretty features for a moment before he gave a subtle nod. Of course he would stay with her wherever she went. He'd promised her that he was never going to leave her again and he meant it. Reaching over, he gingerly breathed in her scent and nuzzled her dark mane before returning his attention to the rest of the herd.

Dex_stallion_6yo_Arabian/Thoroughbred Mutt_16.2 hh_true bay coat_black mane & tail_green eyes_bound to Talien_Tinuvel Bay

Father to: Chronos (xTalien)

photo by Olga_i@shutterstock

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