The Lost Islands

take those old records off the shelf

It seemed that she’d been told a fair bit before coming here. Monster had informed her about Zjeena and the strange vendetta that Liland had against Rougaru and the poor mare, and now it seemed she was stuck with him. Even if just for now, Leyra frowned as she walked through the Bay.

The frown cleared as she walked along the edge of the ocean, finding her way through the sands. She loved the ocean and always had. It was calming but turbulent, much fun and absolutely nothing like anything upon their land. She wondered what lived in those waters if anything did. She knew shoreline creatures, but she’d never been able to fathom the large animals that cruise the depths.

So here she stands now, looking out over the water and waiting. Maybe she’d be able to convince this Lilland to give it up. You know, go for the future. Stop living in the past. And let that poor woman make up her own mind! Leyra shook her own, stretching out her neck and watching the horizon with bright blue eyes.

She didn’t seek anyone out. She’d wait.

And greet them with a grin and a maddened expression.

Time to have some fun, it was.


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