The Lost Islands

Where is the real me?

She had barely known her father, since Adolfo had kidnapped her away from him when they were only 9 months old. Now she was bonding with him and he was happy but also saddened for what she had had to go through. She told him it was not his fault, none of them had seen it coming. She had loved her twin so much for him to turn on them was quiet a shocker. Her father also told her all about the issues with Zjeena and Rougaru and how he did regret how he reacted and behaved but She did not blame her father, not with his background. He had been trying to move forward but Rougaru struck and took his whole family. He was trying to keep his head going forward but now he feared not knowing any of his foals in the spring. All this with his foals stemmed from him loosing her and Adolfo way back when.

She wondered the bay alone, her son and adoptive daughter off exploring with their grandfather Liland for the moment. She was heading to where Augustine body lies in the surf, it was fairly picked clean now. She places her face to his degrading one.I miss you so muchShe whispers.

Then her eyes catch the site of a mare wondering the beach. She watches the mare before moving a little toward her.hello?She says both ears on the mare.
Mare. Norwegian Fjord . Lover of Augustine . Mother to Zafar & Jasmyn . Adoptive Mother to Nagini


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