The Lost Islands

This Is How Champions Are Born

There is a smile on his lips as he listens to her. Those eyes study him as she concentrates on the things in which he's told her. Carefree? Yeah that could describe Glory for sure. She was full of energy and always one to speak her mind. A strong spirit but a compassion that seemed just as strong as her need for companionship and adventure. She always sought out something to do and somewhere to go. The chill in the air was merely a new challenge for her. One that she didn't back away from. There is no shying here. Why would she?

"I would imagine that I am not." She offered with a chuckle then. It was soft and far from harmful. Innocent really. She had no reason to be harmful with her words to a stallion she'd come to realize was compassionate in his own way. He was different than some she'd met and heard about in her walks of life. Adventures in which she'd come across many different sorts and not all of them had been to her liking. You unfortunately couldn't call everyone your friend. The world just didn't work that way and it never would. Pity really but she'd come to accept that after all.

There is sorrow in her eyes for Liland's daughter. Comfort could be wished for but she knew how hard that could be. Loss was something strong that affected those who were closest to those that they had come to lose. It hurt and it was hard to move on. Often it took some time. This she knew well enough. "I'm sorry." She offers Adelia. "Heartache is something that I would wish to no one but we unfortunately cannot change how things happen. Fate has a strange way of doing things and we don't always like the outcomes." Firm words but they were spoken kindly as she had no ill against those present. Why should she? As far as she can see; they are friends. Her new companions.

Attention returns for the time then to Liland. "Are we it then?" It is not said harshly or angrily. It is a honest question in which she wonders. He had spoken of losing all of them and yet; she is here. His daughter and grandchildren are present. They were not alone obviously. They had each other. Sometimes though; this wasn't always enough. Glory was here now though and she stood for something she imagined. He was happy to see her after all.


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