The Lost Islands

breathing perfume seems like bad life advice

Leyra had been not too far off, grazing peacefully, needing the energy restoration if she was going to continue on this path. She was kinda stuck here and she was feeling a little resentful, but the one part she was firmly against was when the time came, when her body betrayed her and forced her into heat, it wouldn’t be him. It wouldn’t be anyone. Hell no, no children for this woman.

She wasn’t ready.

Big nope.

Her head popped up as she watched the red stallion, and she made her way over, almost dancing across the earth as she crossed the earth. With bright eyes and a smile, Leyra extends her head and slows her pace abruptly, the movements becoming soft as she gives him a huge smile and slyly twists her head, almos sultry but not quite.

“Dayum, you are quite lovely to look at, you know that right?” She says to the stranger, and she’d have whistled if she could. She knew Liland was there too, and she’d heard his words but she spoke what was on her mind. More fun than a simply introduction, and the dappled lass loved to see what pet names they could find before giving her a name.

Though, hers were usually ‘shut up’ or ‘go away’ so, that counts right?


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