The Lost Islands

Burn the Ships

He watches hte mare a bit in confusion. She was nothing like the others he has ever claimed and honestly he wasn't even sure how to react. Sure she seemed a bit different in the commons but nothing like this. He just listens to her and then he frowns.Adelia go tend to your foalsHe says calmly. Adelia had made it clear she wanted to have nothing to do with his Quarrel.

He does not react to Rougaru's name.So im assuming she told you that I am the one that has started the whole thing? That I am the bad guy here? He questions calmly. It is hard for him but since Monster wants to go spreading wariness in his mares then so be it.In this case i will tell you what happened and I am not proud of it either but to assume I am the only one at fault here is out of the questionHis words were calm and collected. No anger, not even hate.

It started when I went to the crossing isle. I met a mare there that I spoke with and then Rougaru shows up and tosses one ear my way and just starts to talk to the mare as If I was not there. So I told him he was rude to ignore me and butt in to a conversation like that without acknowledging all parties present.

He pauses watching her face wondering if he'd scare her away but so be it.

He stole Zjeena and my newborn twins Havelle and Nattergal from me after we ran from this home to the desert. I then stole Monster because we stallions have a stupid code so since I could not go for Zjeena and my twins I decided to try to take a mare he claimed to care about in hopes he would trade for her. He did not. He then won his precious monster back and I won the bay back. Zjeena and the twins returned after she allowed him to cover herHe pauses again.

I let my emotions take hold of me, i was furious at her at him at the world and I and her constantly argued and I made this her prison. Because I felt I could not trust her. I would of come around to her way of thinking if he hadn't shown up a few days later waltzing right into my home calling for her and she running to greet him like he was some old friend. If she had sent him away that day all this could of been a lot different or if she simply let me send him away. Life went on with hatred between her and I. Finally I couldn't deal with it so I told her on the condition she grants me a foal in the fall and comes back here and stays till they are weaned she could leave. I told her only her though I didn't really mean to rip her from nat or havelle I was just angry. But I see no difference in me breeding her and letting her go then what she did with Rougaru Here he lets it sink in. He waits to see if she would say antyhing before continuing.

through the time however, I relinquished two of the conditions. She did not need to stay in the bay or even return in the spring as long as I get to know my foal He said.

I was ready to let this all go, visit my foal periodically and leave her and Rougaru alone. It was Rougaru and her who decided they needed to continue this stupid feud not me. I have no intentions on bothering Zjeena except to see my foal she won't even need to talk to me or look at me and it would only be for an hour or so here and there. She is free to raise them as she see's fit as long as it knows me as its father and knows that i care and love it.He said.

I never said I was a saint, and I have done many things I regret now but I cannot go back and undo any of that if I could I would bring Zjeena back to me I loved her with all my heart but I broke her and all because of my past.He said. So believe what you want Leyra, hate me go ahead as if im not use to that. I already have the hate of two children and that is part of the reason I want to make sure I see the foal, not cause I don't want the foal to hate me but because I don't want her to risk the foal hating her when it finds out that it was her who stopped me from seeing ithe said.

Norwegian Fjord, stallion, grå, 14.3 HH, Katie


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