The Lost Islands

This Is How Champions Are Born

There is a story to be told and she listens. Glory knows little about these territories or the creatures that called them home. She knows only a little of those she has to these moments met. This story she is hearing is not one of kindness. It is one of heartache and destruction. There are thieves among kings always. It has been as such for as long as anyone could remember. You won some and you lost some. There are times where it seemed like you never won. It appeared as though Liland had plenty of those moments and it didn't seem fair. This story he told her of another stallion.


She has not met this stallion nor taken in much more than a scent probably. Not that Gloriosiah would have known his scent having never met him. These words being told to her had her thinking that maybe she never wanted to. No, he definitely didn't sound like someone she'd wish to know. He didn't sound heroic or good. He sounded downright awful but she wouldn't worry about that now. He mentioned a story he'd stop there at. He didn't wish to burden her with anymore of it. Then Adelia speaks and a soft smile finds Glory's lips then.

"No, of course not." She agrees with the mare before her eyes settle again on Liland. "If you can do this without bringing pain and misery to yourself then yes." This is her basically saying that he better not get himself hurt or worse. She speaks again in clarification though. "It won't be the last thing you do." She murmured and her nose moves to gently caress his own should he allow it. "I don't want to see you lost to the world. Or to me." There it was. She cared about this stallion already as he hadn't given her reason not to. A mare chooses her life in the long haul and this was hers. A choice well made as far as she's concerned though his past has been rough to these moments. She doesn't worry about that. She doesn't see a need to.


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