The Lost Islands

This Is How Champions Are Born

Of course some wanted to undo the past. It wasn't in the plans though. It was impossible no matter how much it was wished. Gloriosiah knew this and she was pretty sure that Liland did too. Maybe it was time to move on. Stubborn was one thing, but there was a point where it got old. You could only try so many times before enough was enough. Move on. Face forward and stand your ground but don't be stupid in doing so. There is a world out there that they haven't experienced. There is room always for new things.

There was no moment in which she had asked him for every detail. Gloriosiah was surprised in how much he had told her. In these new moments they were almost strangers and he was opening up to her. It said a lot about character even though there had been a lot of mishaps along the way. Maybe that was changing for the better now. It was worth a shot wasn't it? Glory does not judge him for his past. What cruelty would that be if she did? This wasn't how Gloriosiah's thoughts worked. She's an intelligent soul and his past is just that. It's his past. Let it go. One didn't have to forget but it was better for all if the moved past it.

Perhaps one led a troubled life at times. No one was exempt to that and why should they be? There is no silver lining in their world. There was compassion and there was hate. There were different paths to guide you and ones to send you tumbling down a poor path. This was not now though; there is no poor path here. Not as far as she's concerned. She comforts in these moments as he's leaning into her caress. Words are again spoken and he listens. Dark eyes take in the other mare as she takes her leave and softly; that nose of hers dips. Her attention returns to Liland though.

"Only those whom do not wish to get to know another let the past paint them a reality." That is not how she worked. "I am not one of those." She offered him and leaned into him. Her legs carrying her a bit closer as her nose moves to run down his neck and against his shoulder. "I hope many moments are in our future to get to know one another and build our own story." Because she wanted nothing less than to belong and be loved. Liland seemed to be offering this to her now. She wasn't a fool to throw it to the wind. She was going to lap this all up as it happened.


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