The Lost Islands

i breathe her perfume in

The first one to approach him, unsurprisingly, was a stallion. The pale dun Fjord stepped forth with suspicion in his stride—also unsurprising—but it was controlled, and he had a tone of almost friendliness to balance it out. Cinnamon bobbed his head in response to the other’s introduction, greeting with a slight puff of air sent in his direction. "Liland," he said. "That means you’re the one I’m looking for." He had the faintest of southern drawls, which normally one might fail to notice if one was not paying attention, but Cinn was extra aware of it as his words seemed to drizzle like honey in comparison to Liland’s northern lilt.

"I won’t waste your time," he began, but his attention was pulled by the arrival of a dapple grey mare. Cinnamon’s eyebrows arched in bemused surprise at her introduction (if you could call it that) and he chuckled softly. "I’ve been told," he said. "Not sure I believe it yet, though. You might have to convince me." He gave her a playful wink and turned his crimson head back to Liland.

"I won’t waste your time," he began again. "I’m new to these isles and I’m looking for a more permanent home than the Crossing. I can offer protection to your herd if you let me stay here, and you have my word that I won’t become… entangled, if you will, in any of your family." He felt as though his deep voice with its lazy inflections would melt right through the snow. He’d have to work on his northern accent if Liland let him stay. He liked his voice, and knew it had both calming and commanding qualities that often made people want to listen to him, no matter what he was talking about; but it felt very out of place here. Not to mention that, as a citizen, he would be commanding no one. Even the grey sounded a bit northern in comparison to Cinn, though the red stallion’s accent was not heavy by any means.

"My name is Cinnamon, by the way," he added, realizing he had not yet introduced himself to either horse in front of him. "I hope we can work something out."

she marks her fingerprints
in my skin
i breathe her perfume in
and it burns like heroin
now she's in me
and i can't let her go


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