The Lost Islands

No crotch goblins? Oh good!

At least, the end result had been that he had decided she wasn’t staying here. It was deeply relieving to her, but Leyra wouldn’t make her exit on his terms. Let him try to chase her out, let him kick and scream and holler like the child he was and let him exhaust himself, she’d just dance away from him and taunt him, teasing him forever. She would get tired too, and probably cranky but she would still enjoy it. If he tried.

But she doubted it.

Leyra would make her noise on the way out.

And she almost laughed. Why did she say it?

“Because he’s not man enough to admit when he’s done the wrong thing, it seems. Pits all the blame against others. He gave a woman a choice - carry his foal and he’ll let her go or he’d just keep her here and keep her depressed and sad. He treated her like a little piece of property only, using her when he didn’t get what he wanted,” Leyra snarled. She looked around. She’d seen his true colours as well, by digging in deep and ripping them out.

It had been eye-opening but at least it had been the truth of what he was. The antagonist of the story, who feels the world is against him. Leyra wondered for a moment what it would be like if he embraced his villainous path instead, how fascinating it would be. He couldn’t have it both ways, flipping from one side to another.

She looked back to Glory. “I had no choice. I had a chat with a woman on the way, one who was so… vehement. There was no lie in her words. When I arrived, I decided to test him and I saw who he really is. His mask of compassion hides the jealous monster behind it. He may say hes working on letting it go (she sings this) but he has not. He seems to clings to the idea that his family has to love and adore him. He doesn’t want to let them decide of their own choice,” she muses.

She does however, give a smile.

“At least not all are devoid of compassion here. Refreshing to come across someone in this Bay who was actually interested, rather than just seeing lady bits,” she chuckles. Okay, that’s not entirely true to them all - she adored Lukasz, and she was going to go and find him now and see if he wanted her as company, once she was all finished here.

“I do hope you’ll be safe here. Don’t let the big man make you do anything you don’t want to, and don’t let him guilt you into anything either,” she says, and she means it all, very truthfully. “I won’t be here long though. I’m too much of a woman for him…”


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