The Lost Islands

I think fresh air is better...

She had come to enjoy herself, and if she was going to be stuck here she’d make sure it was fun for her. It was far too easy for her to run loops around the short man who’d claimed her, but she’d be testing his mettle with the story and the barbs she’d learned eventually. For now, she was content and meet and greet, and her attention was riveted to the newcomer, who even had quite the voice to listen to. She enjoyed when they didn’t just speak to - but she gave Liland an openly disdainful look for a split second.

And turned her eyes to Cinnamon.

“Sorry handsome, I’d love to stay and continue this conversation, but I ain’t staying where I’m not welcome,” she says with a glance at the small stallion nearby.

“See you around,” she says with a flick of her tail and a smile, and left the side of the two men alone, let them have their manly talks.


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