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Re(1): Frustration with iPhone

Finally got to have the AS "person" get me to a live tech, who activated my new iPhone 7, but then had a problem with "Not connnected to the server," which is a wi-fi router sitting on the desk in my computer room. Kept getting error messages that I didn't have the correct password. The router password is printed on it, but doesn't recognize it. Fortunately I had stored all the passwords in my iMac Safari program and had it. Used the non-password password and voila'! Then the Apple Store wouldn't recognize my password, so I had to go through the Apple AS program to get to another live techie, who quickly solved the problem. Everything's fine except my RAV4 radio wouldn't pair with my new phone. Life in the tech world is a hassle. Way back in '61 at the PG School in Monterey, we had one of the IBM computers. It had vacuum tube flip-flop circuits, used octal base, had basic boolean algebra machine language, and we had to communicate with this monster via paper tape. I knew then that these damned things would be trouble.


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