The Lost Islands


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cuba libre


surrounded by darkness yet enfolded in light

As Bacardi’s thoughts wander to that day he had visited Atlantis, it was as if his mind had conjured the golden filly. He had not heard her approach, masked by the water and the darkness of his mind numbing his senses, but he cannot help the stare at her reflection in the same way she watched his. The stuttering organ in his chest didn’t know if it wanted to halt with the hitch of his breath as she reached to touch his face, or jump completely out with its racing beat. Bacardi held completely still, frozen, as she made contact with his flesh.

The gentle way that Havelle caressed the lines of his face caused heat to flame across his skin. Bacardi closed his eyes for a moment, taking his first deep breath that brought with it her sweet perfume, and as he let it out, felt many of his burdens go with it. Opening his eyes again, he looked to her instead of their reflections, reaching over to lightly brush his muzzle against her’s as he share their warm breaths. Everything else around them was gone, shrouded in a curtain so all the young stallion saw was Havelle alone.

His ebony lips traced along her cheek, and to her neck, each movement deliberate to make sure she was truly there. To make sure she was truly sharing this with him. Each moment she was there, Bacardi felt as if he could taste life again. “What is wrong?” he whispered, knowing something had to be for her to look this way. Bacardi knew her life had been just as hard, if not harder than his, and he wanted to be there for her even if he couldn’t handle his own.

two years. mutt. bay tobiano. fourteen three hands. of the peak.


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