The Lost Islands

TuRn YoU tO sToNe Valka

She couldn't stop her restless energy. She swam to the Crossing after her fight with Ironclad but it wasn't enough. Deciding it would have to be for now, she sighed and headed back into the waves for home. Well, her new home. Medusa didn't know when or if she'd ever start feeling like the Inlet was her home. She wanted it to be. It was new and pretty and there weren't so many big snakes, but she didn't know what to do about the Ironclad situation. Would they ever get to know each other the right way and learn to rule together? She didn't want to just be one of those couples that agreed in public for the image of unity then ignored each other once the spotlight was gone. She wanted a real partnership, an equal partnership. Maybe it was the year difference between them or maybe she was just too young to understand the nature of it yet but she wanted an answer and she wanted it NOW. Taking her anger out on the water, the yearling churned the ocean with her legs as she pushed it for the Inlet.

As she got closer to Tinuvel, she found herself swimming by the banks of the other herd lands out of curiosity. It's not like she was in a hurry to get home. As she swam by the Bay, she wondered what it was like there. Her mother told her stories of Liland, the Fjord that used to rule there. He stole her mother just to spite Rougaru and she befriended some of the herd members while she was there. It was said he was gone now, so who ruled it? Before she knew it, the tobiano found herself trudging up on the wet sands of the shore, sniffing the air. And what she found brought a gasp of surprise and delight to her lips. Valka! She didn't know what happened to the small sturdy mare after their brief discussion. It was just getting good too. She was getting dirt on Ironclad! But the red mare disappeared and she overheard some stuff about Valka trying to claim Paradise then giving it back to Rougaru like a cat playing with a mouse. Even though she hated it for her father, it only made Medusa like the little mare more.

Was Valka in charge here? Were there other tiny horses?! The idea practically made Medusa dance on her hooves as she shook out her coat and trotted further inland. She had to see her! Throwing her head back, she gave a call for the chestnut, hoping she wouldn't be offended that Medusa had come uninvited. This was just what she needed after her day!

Medusa_mare_1yo_Mutt_14hh_Bay Dun Tobiano EE Aa Dd nT_one blue eye and one brown eye_Monster x Rougaru_betrothed to Ironclad_Tinuvel Inlet

filly @ Pinterest/Misha Genesis
bg @ Pexels/Asad Photo Maldives


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