The Lost Islands

TuRn YoU tO sToNe

Her first sighting of the little red mare was like a breath of fresh air and Medusa drank it with flared nostrils and hope billowing in her chest. Their meeting had been brief in Paradise, too brief by her standards, but somehow she felt akin to friendship with the pony mare and so far that made her Medusa's only female friend (save her mother but we all know that doesn't count). Right now she needed that more than ever, some kind of reprieve from all the emotional turmoil going on with her betrothed and who better to trash talk him with her than the mare he traded in her place? Even from their brief encounter, Medusa was able to deduce Valka hated Ironclad with a passion because of what he put her through and she couldn't very well blame the mare for it. Maybe he had his own reasons at the time but as far as she knew, he never apologized for it so why try to defend his actions? He certainly wasn't winning any points with her right now.

As the mare got closer, Medusa gave a joyful whicker of greeting and sighed in contentment as Valka reached out to brush her muzzle. She breathed in the chestnut's scent with a smile, her ears already pricked as the mare asked what brought her here. Huh, she needed a reason? Looking puzzled for a minute, Medusa looked around before rolling her shoulders in a shrug. "To be honest, I was swimming back to the Inlet and came across your scent by chance. It took me by surprise so I decided to stop by. Hope that's okay." She even ducked her head a little, offering a sheepish smile. After all, Valka held more power than she did right now so it would be best to at least show respect in her herd lands. It's not like the respect wasn't genuine, after all. She sighed and shook out her mane, sure that Valka would want more of an explanation when she heard her mention the Inlet. The last they spoke, she was betrothed to Ironclad but didn't know when she would go to his home.

"My father took me to the Inlet a few weeks ago to live with Ironclad and his herd. I've been living there but so far it's boring. I followed Ironclad and let's say, it didn't go well. We got in a fight so I swam back to the mainland to get some air." That about summarized it though of course she could always go into juicy details if that's what Valka wanted. She just wanted the red pony to know she had no ill intentions or tricks up her sleeve about coming here. It wasn't a plot to get in her good graces for the sake of Ironclad or the Inlet. She wasn't on a mission of any kind, besides her own selfish need for company. When Valka asked if she'd like to see her home, Medusa grinned and straightened up, eagerness in her eyes as she glanced around again. "I'd love to! It looked so pretty from the water." She admitted. As she moved into step with Valka, her gaze grew softer as she thought about her mother back home.

"My mother told me about this place a little, though of course words don't do it justice. She was stolen by the stallion that used to rule here, Liland, and lived here with him and his herd for a few weeks until my dad challenged to get her back." By being here, she almost felt connected to her mother in a way, walking in a place she once walked. It made her feel a little stronger, a little less alone. Of course, Valka's company was already doing wonders in that department as well. Her gaze turned back to the little red mare. "So how have you been? You've been the talk of the town since we last spoke in Paradise. Kept yourself quite busy, haven't you?" She said with a coy smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

Medusa_mare_1yo_Mutt_14hh_Bay Dun Tobiano EE Aa Dd nT_one blue eye and one brown eye_Monster x Rougaru_betrothed to Ironclad_Tinuvel Inlet

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bg @ Pexels/Asad Photo Maldives


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