The Lost Islands

comfort me with apples, for i am sick of love BJORN / VALKA

Fall had broken across Tinuvel with the tell-tale edge of winter. Already the warm fall days were giving way to bitter nights that left the drooping pine needles glittering with frost. Soon winter would breath more firmly across the land and the island would once again be buried beneath heavy snow.

There was still much to be done, however. He still needed to visit Cicek and Faolain, and the meeting with Ylva had provided him all of the ammunition that he needed to disguise his social visit with something of a purpose. Bjorn was back, for better or worse, and his eye was set on Tinuvel. Given the uneasy but non-hostile nature of their relationship, and Solomon was fairly certain it was not the Cove that he wanted. Whether, then, it was the easy target of the Bay or the lucrative target of the Inlet remained to be seen.

The thought of the Bay brought the small pony mare to the forefront of his mind again.

He'd waited to see if Warsaw would accompany him once more to the Bay, but the grey stallion had remained mute on the topic. It had taken months to get him to go see Goose, and the longer each interaction took, the more he doubted the grey king. It was evident that he was still powerful despite his injuries, and his name still carried weight across the land, but Solomon had a sneaking suspicion that was only going to last until someone took advantage of him.

In the meantime, his mind returned to the small mare, Valka. He did not know her, and did not particularly care for the fact that she had taken the Bay. Goose was ... not exactly aligned in interest, but he wasn't opposed and didn't appear to want to make waves. Valka on the other hand, was a wild card. Solomon had to respect her fighting capabilities. She had bested the painted stallion as though battle came naturally to her. No small feat, given her size.

Given that knowledge alone, and he would have gladly considered allying with her.

However, she was a mare, which irked him if only because it made the whole island vulnerable. All it would take is one male getting too frisky with her and the entire east side of the island would be at risk throughout winter and spring. Which wasn't to say that he hadn't thought about doing the self-same thing. Not only would it garner him more children, but it would handicap her in future battles. The thought had grown in his mind the longer he thought about it, aided by the fact that the ending of the season meant that the rush of passion that had ushered him into the season had drained to little more than a trickle.

Plagued by the thoughts of the red mare, he threaded his way through the pass between the lands and circled along the beachfront, not wanting to draw her ire right away while he figured out what exactly it was that he wanted to do with her. As he moved, he called out for her before becoming distracted by a vaguely familiar shape down the beach. Mildly irritated to find Bjorn here, yet again, as he attempted to approach a mare, Solomon called out in challenge to the other stallion, his own ears pinning into his mane.

OOC: It's awkward, my apologies XD
Dutch Harness Horse Mutt | Champagne Grullo Tobiano Stallion | 17 Hands | The Cove


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