i keep my closet free of skeletons [eros!]

!! MATURE !!
Swearing. Because Bon.


toooooo infinity... and beyond!

"Fuck," Bon gasped, one hand leaving a bloody streak on the stone wall to her right while Clyde supported her on her left. She groaned, feeling her footsteps slow. Clyde gave an anxious laugh, more of a hyena wheeze.

"Don't be givin' me that look," She hissed a breath, tightening her grip on his ruff and forcing herself to pick up speed. She had to get to safety, and soon. "For once it wasn't me." She was getting wobbly now; the wounds weren't that bad - she'd taken worse beatings before - but the adrenaline had faded, leaving pain and exhaustion to hold a battle royale inside her battered body. Not even she was sure who would win.

"Damn, this ain't gonna work," she stopped, swaying in place, and brought her right hand to her throbbing ribs. There was no way she was making it back to the apartment she shared with Harlow and some of the other girls. Worse yet, any of the Valkyries various hiding places were now terribly unsafe. The truth still hadn't quite settled in. A coup, inside the gang they'd quite literally built from the ground up! Well, she'd show them who they were messing with.

Just as soon as everything stopped spinning. Bon found herself listing forward, clinging limply to the hyena's neck. He began stepping slowly backwards, half-dragging her, his anxious laughing echoing in her mind as she trudged along. A thought came and went, that for once in her life she was glad she was small - if she were much bigger they'd have been screwed. She wasn't aware of the direction they were going in, only that the movement suddenly stopped. She lifted her head blearily, her vision wavering as she tried to bring it into focus. It looked a lot like Eros' door, but how...?

She used the last of her strength to lift her hand to knock, but it gave out at the last moment, making her stumble. She headbutted the door rather hard, a loud thump echoing, as she fell against it.

photo by Stéphane Delval


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