The Lost Islands

I Say a Little Prayer

She had never cared if Skoll understand all her words or if she even understood what he said. In her mind, Skoll wanted her and she could read his body language quite perfectly (totally a lie). It came as a shock when her handsome lover disappeared. She gave birth by herself, thankfully it was easy and the baby was healthy, but the whole time she cursed Skol’s name. She expected him to come and meet his child, but he never had. There was only Goose whom she has grown to call a friend. They fought a bit at first, but she soon learned the stallion was good intentions so she stayed with him here in the Bay, Mana’s birth home.

Now a little mare has over thrown the Bay and shortly after Goose was taken away by the Lagoon. She had no one else to hang out with and she was afraid. Mostly because her eyes were often becoming cloudy in the daylight. She could no longer see things from far away so she relies on scent to find the herd. Her son guides her when he can, but he was still too young to understand what was happening. Leilyn didn’t understand. This was why she grew excited and angry all at the same time when she caught his scent. Skoll was here! The Fjord mare curled ears quickly guide her son towards the group.

She doesn’t sit around to hear what they were saying to each other. No, she canters right into the group, bumping someone as she goes, and stops right in the warmth of her lover. Skoll’s skin was warm to her touch as her pressed her chest against him and places her head on his shoulder. ”You came back…” Tears stream down her dark face. ”You remembered my father was from this land and you used it to find me.” She was relieved to think this way, that he had come here searching for her. Reality would have been too painful.

Suddenly, she pulls away from him with ears pinning into her dark mane. ”You left me alone and pregnant! What is wrong with you?” She shouts in frustrated tones at Skoll, not acknowledging the rest of the group. A snort leaves her as the small grullo colt with her scrambles around wildly with wide eyes, staring at each face in the crowd.

grullo - marwari x fjord - 15.2h - liland x desirie - of nowhere


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