The Lost Islands

knight in shining armor Reh/Suleiman/Gavriel/any


His black ears flickered back and forth to hear everything as the other colts went back and forth. It seemed the draft colt, Gavriel, was all for going to the Bay, calling the mare there a tattle tail and encouraging the others by saying they would be undercover. Galahad wrinkled his nostrils. How would they be undercover though? Would they roll in the mud to disguise their colors or wash off the scent of the Cove before going there? He wasn't sure what all was planned but wasn't sure he wanted to just jump right in either. But what if they stopped hanging out with him if he didn't agree to do it? The small colt swallowed in indecision. He found himself agreeing even though his mind was still set firmly against it. Oh well, nothing to do but go along with it, now, right? When he mentioned a battle, Gavriel only seemed to take it as encouragement, saying they needed to know or they would let their father down. He said they were on a mission to save the princess and Galahad tilted his head.

"How will we know when we find her?" He felt it was an important question. They couldn't just go around asking every young mare if she was a princess. That would surely give them away. The other two brothers, Reh and Suleiman seem to listen before saying there was a lot of fighting over by the Inlet, saying even their father fought someone. Galahad's eyes widened, trying to take it all in. So they were really going to do this? The black colt couldn't help but wonder why Solomon was mad in the first place. Had the mare next door done something to him for him to be mad at her? And did he forgive her now? Would she hurt the colts for being associated with him if they were caught? So many questions but Galahad could feel his heart racing at the very thought and he knew he needed to shove the thoughts away.

As the two colts bolted forward, he hesitated before feeling Reh's muzzle bump his shoulders. It was enough to bring a smile to his lips before the arabian colt threw his head in excitement and took off with the others. Running was something he could understand! He loved to race and run just for the heck of it so suddenly the destination wasn't so important anymore. As long as he got to run! When they reached the borders, he had to slide to a stop to keep from getting in the middle of the little scuffle between Suleiman and Reh, his eyes widening as he watched them bite at each other before Suleiman spoke up, saying they needed to be quiet and not run into the mare. Galahad nodded firmly, his eyes narrowing in determination. "Got it. What's she look like? So I know to avoid her."

He felt this way, he could be of use, like a scout or something. He could tell the others if he saw her. Reh's challenging tone had the black colt's ears laying back in uncertainty but he could see Reh looking at Suleiman instead. Snorting softly, he shook his head. "I'm not afraid. Let's do this." He put on an air of confidence as he brushed past the others and moved toward the Bay territory. A lone ear flicked back but he didn't dare to look back to see if they were following. Surely they wouldn't let him do this alone, right?
knight in shining armor
stallion // arabian/percheron mutt // black // 14.3hh // 1 yo // played by DarQ

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