The Lost Islands

Kjærlighet og raseri kan sameksistere

mare; icelandic x vanner; 14.2hh; palomino roan sabino
3 years
no home

Sæunn watched as the stranger conversed with her friend. She understood him, which was surprising, but she was also intrigued to see Valka soften and appraise him. She remained silent herself, preferring to only observe, but her own posture softened as well. Sköl looked similar to the horses Sæunn grew up around, although the spots were something she had not seen before. She cocked her head in a very cat-like manner at him, her eyes tracing the white patterns splattering across his hindquarters. Sæunn herself was dusted in white along her underbelly and across her neck, and appeared to have galloped through snow for the white stockings on her legs. Many of her family had white patterns such as these, but never spots.

When Valka was finished studying him, Sæunn approached as well, offering her muzzle in exchange of breaths. Her body language was still reserved and cautious, but less aggressive now that Valka had seemed to approve of the stranger. The chestnut mare was really the only one Sæ trusted, so if she gave the okay, Sæunn would accept it. ”Sköl,” she said, repeating his name, but before she could give hers she was brushed to the side by another mare of the Bay whom she had not met.

Startled, Sæunn flattened her ears and backed away. This mare also had similarities in build, but was more slender than any in her current company. She pushed into the spotted stallion’s space, one moment seeming to be happy to see him, the next throwing harsh words towards him. Sæunn could understand little of what she said, but she understood the word ‘pregnant’ and that was all she really needed to know.

Turning, Sæunn returned to Valka’s side. ”Hann virðist í lagi,” she said, a small smile of amusement tugging her lips.

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