The Lost Islands

Riddle Me This

The days were cool but Riddler is not frozen to the core. He has a fluffy; thick coat of that a child is often born with. It is not this alone that warms the child though. Loire's fluffy warmth of the winter had him lulled. A stir though; Riddler is awakened. Not in fear but in that of a cold breeze that had dared to touch his face. Pink nose sniffed at the air and produced a small sneeze from the boy. Riddler head shook a little before he felt the mare curled against him moving ever so slightly. His deep eyes moved to follow. His gaze fell on Loire and strange words left her lips. Father was not here. Mother said he should return to them soon or they would go to him. Mother spoke though of this not happening yet. She mentioned the fear of a storm and he frowned a bit. This confused Riddler a great deal.

"Where is he momma?" Riddler shifted slightly to look out over the place that he called home. It was riddled with breezes and a snowy; white appearance. The bay was not warm though spring was upon them. Funny thing and he knew so little about it yet. In time. His attention returns to Loire again as he mulled once more over the things she spoke of. "Fear? What is fear momma?" Of course the boy had yet to learn this emotion. It was more puzzling to him than the fact of his being confused. Fear was not a thing that he felt and why would he? There was little reason to have fear with a comforting body against him. An ever watchful eye in the coming days since his birth. It had been maybe a week or so. He was still so new to the world.

"Storm? Momma what is storm?" This was a very interesting sounding thing. What was it? What happened in a storm? Was it good? Was it bad? He didn't know. There is so much he doesn't understand in being brand new to the life that has been given to him. This frustrates the boy at times but right now, he is only curious. Storm. Was this something thrilling or exciting? Again he bombardes Loire with question as though she had not been quick enough to respond to him. "Momma, what is storm?" The boy was impatient and wanted to know. This intrigues him. It sounded thrilling but then, lots of things sounded this way to little Riddler. The world is new and everything is exciting and thrilling. So much emotion he'd not learned yet. In the days and months to come but not now. He is only interested in exciting and this storm thing.


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