The Lost Islands

Words can make me beautiful (Solvarr & Half Brothers)

Beautiful. That is what mother always called her. Her little; beautiful Poem. She did not even realize her namesake though. How ironic to be called something in which can be written to make a mood come forth. Be it sad. Be it happy. Be it angry. A call to a warrior? A rose with a thorn? Hatred and love? War and peace? So many things a poem could be. Was she the sweetest of them all?

It would seem that black was not in the soul of this child. Innocent and perfect. She is not riddled with lies and demise. She has no black heart. There is only good in the soul of an innocent child. A pretty one at that. Poem must be beautiful if momma always told her so. There was little other way that she is described aside from being a little clown. Poem could not help the joy that flourished from her though. She does not know a stranger in the home mother called Bay. The Bay was a chilly place even in spring, but the snows had drifted away with time. The chill would not let go of its grasp though. She often complained to momma about it. Gloriosiah always said that perhaps by summer the weather would be more appealing to them. Poem could only wait and see for she did not know what the summer would bring.

There is no worry in her right now about that though. Poem knows there are other foals like she around. Not exactly like she of course, but tiny and new to everything. Poem was bored and she kicked up her heels as she burst forward with a squeal. Poem is not expecting the onslaught of what was unfolded before her though. Something firm and fuzzy had made its way into her path. As she had burst forward and barreled into this creature; a squeal leaves Poems lips. A tangle of bodies and legs before she finds herself on her back with the wind knocked out of her.

Poem does not move for a couple of moments as she aimed to process what is going on here. Eventually she rolls onto her belly and brings her legs beneath her. A struggle at first as she is still a bit winded but has succeeded in standing once more. Brilliant eyes search then for the source of her tumbling. A figure not unlike herself. Another foal but a colt at this. Right? It was a colt? Poem ponders over this but then, realizes she must be right. Momma said that this was Valka's on. What was his name again?

Solv......Solve? No, that wasn't what mother had told her. The name was odd as it wrapped around her mind and made her work to remember. Then she had it! Success

"Solvarr! Hi!" She gives a sheepish grin here and stretches her nose to the colt to inhale his scent and hopefully bring their noses together in a greeting. "Sorry! I didn't mean to barrel into you and topple us both. Are you okay?" She is concerned. Poem is genuine in this concern for her playmate and family. Perhaps not by blood but by herd alone. Home. Family. Momma had said this Bay herd was family and Poem would treat them no different than such. Poem is unaware that they may have the watch of strangers on them. Older but family still. Only when they would come forward would Poem know of their existence in the world. Her soul focus is on Solvarr though. Her concern in his being okay.


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