The Lost Islands

Mother Goose is just a fairy-tale Cullen

You come after the Bay again and again. This does not appease us one little bit. Loire and Riddle are precious to me. I do not wish to lose them. I do neither wish to be a part of the Lagoon. I will not see them either there without myself.

While I do not take keen to making such a deal, I will accept your bargain for Riddle in the future to the Lagoon to keep Loire and my son here with me until the day that he is a Yearling.

Only then will Riddle come to the Lagoon and become one of your members there. However, I will not be responsible for his actions later on should he choose to go against you for being unhappy there.

This deal is to send him there to you upon his turning One years old. No sooner. At that point; he can at least make a footing and be of any use to you. Any earlier and you would merely have a useless foal at your dispense.

I wish to train him some so that he may better serve you for the foreseeable future should he so choose on his own at some point; to remain with you or go.

You want members, I get that. Stealing and fighting for those that do not wish that life is not the best way of doing things. However with these circumstances, I take your deal for Riddle to be one of yours in the future.

Signed and Sealed,


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