The Lost Islands

I am the curb


Silver Seal Brown Dun Pintaloosa / highland pony mutt / 13.1hh

When Corzan opened his eyes, his mother’s scent was still strong enough to make him think she was still there. He was lazy about waking; it was the worst time of the day. But when he realized how quiet it was, that he was actually alone, the young stallion was immediately awake. Quickly rolling upright from where he had been sprawled on his side, he glanced around but didn’t see his mother’s silver coat. “Mom?” He called out, but there was no reply. Panic was quick to fill him, his heart leaping up into his throat, as he worried something had happened to his blind mother.

Jumping up to his hooves, Corzan didn’t bother to even shake away the sand. He immediately headed for the pool of water, noticing along the way her scent was still fresh. Good, that’s all she had done, but his heart wouldn’t stop its hammering. But as he came to a stop near the crystalline water, seeing she wasn’t there, the overworking organ nearly stuttered to a stop. Where was she???

“Mom!” He called louder, turning a complete circle but it was obvious she was not here. Trying to think clearly, he glanced to the ground and noticed tracks leading away in a different direction than he had arrived. Swallowing down his panic as he felt a flare of hope, he followed her tracks and scent through the vegetation. As the greenery opened up for the beach, he couldn’t help but gap as they lead off into the waves. She had gone out into the water?!

“Mom!!!!” He cried out, his fear making the squeak of a colt return to his changing voice. Charging out into the waves, he tried to see her little head above the waves but saw nothing. “Mom!” He screamed again, thinking his precious mother was out there drowning in the waves. What was he to do?? Swallowing down the lump in his throat, the young stallion flung himself out into the waves. Thick legs kicking at the salty water, he swam out into the sea’s grasp for the very first time in his life. “Mom!” He cried out, but only managed a mouth full of nasty water.

Corzan’s panic made him keep searching for his mother further and further away from the shore, not realizing the exhaustion that was claiming his young body. His head got lower and lower in the water, until the crashing waves began going over his head. Self preservation made him forget about his mother, if only momentarily, as he began struggling for his life. Flailing in the water did not help anything, if only to get rid of his energy faster, but Corzan was young and didn’t know what else to do.

The boy floundered for quite some time, and was on the edge of total despair, when his hooves finally made purchase. At first he didn’t notice the changes of his surroundings, too numb and mostly drown. Clamoring just far enough the water couldn’t touch him, Corzan collapsed onto the shore, and completely passed out.


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