The Lost Islands

Words can make me beautiful

It had been quiet and the girl was lazing by the shoreline. Her eyes were only half closed as she stared out over the water. The sound of the crashing waves sang through her mind like a lull. She was almost asleep when the sound of squelching water hit her ears. She stirred from her near slumber to blink. Once. Twice. Three times and she stared around her. Searching as she brings her ears around to swivel at the sounds. Splashing. Poem was not imagining it at all. She had heard the sounds clear as anything. Where though? She can see nothing at first. Then again. That sound of water being splashed by someone or something.

"Momma? What is that?" Poem had forgotten that mother wasn't right next to her this time. Glorisiah was not far but she was not close enough that she might have heard the girl's words directly. She was dozing in the sun but tuned into the territory around her in case the sound of a frightened child were to hit her ears. Poem realized her mother did not respond but at this point she spotted the source of the sounds.

It is from the water that the young stallion came. Poem watches the colt in his struggle and her eyes are wide. "MOM!! MOMMA!! Look!! Momma is he drowning?" Glory heard her daughter's squeals this time and that sculpted head snapped up. Brilliant eyes of the pale creature moved to where she can catch sight of her child. She is confused at first but her eyes look out to where her daughter stared. Poem had begun pacing the shoreline as the painted creature found his way onto the shore finally. Just inland enough to where his body collapsed to the sand beneath his hooves. Poem bleats with displeasure as she pranced to the colt and shoved her nose down against him. By this time her mother had come to her side. There is concern as the girl looked up at her with pleading eyes.

"Momma!! Is he dead?" She asked with genuine displeasure. Brilliant eyes were horrified as she brought her nose back down to snuffle at the colt. She saw his sides move. No, he wasn't dead. Good!!! Exhausted? Near dead? Perhaps had he tred the waves much longer he might have gone under and not come back up. Where was his mother though? Who had let a child come this far into the unknown and not been there to make the journey with him?

"Momma is he okay? Momma!! Is he?" Glory hushed her daughter as she lowers her nose to the boy and softly nudges him. Her eyes steady on the child as she watches him breathe. It is labored but it is not as frail as it could have been. The sound is not faint and was beginning to normalize. Good. Concern is strong on Glory's features though as she calls out for the source of the boy's mother or protector. When no replies were heard though from the waters; she frowned. Where was his family? It wasn't like a mother to let a child wander so far from them. Had something terribly wrong happened?

"I don't know Poem hush please. You don't want to startle him when he awakens. Hush now darling." She frowned a little more as she nudges the boy and gently speaks toward him. "Hey there. Wake up dear. Come on. Are you alright?" She silences then as she watches; waiting for stirring and hopefully words to leave his lips.


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