The Lost Islands

Mother Goose is just a fairy-tale XThread EndX

Mother told him that fear is something that she wishes he would never know. She comforted him that as long as she was around he would never know this thing called fear. Riddle had no reason to believe otherwise than what she; his life giver had told him. She was comfort and she was food. She was loving. She was his protector; his everything. Riddle had nothing else in this world until the painted buckskin came from the crashing blue. Loire told him that father would return to them or they would go to him. They needn't go to him tough for he had come from the blue like a beacon they'd been waiting for. Even if for a day or two before he'd be gone again. Sweet time that would not be wasted from the lad.

Mother spoke of the dark clouds then and rain from the heavens. She spoke of loud noises and flashing lights that came from the above. That vast expanse that seemed to go on forever and ever. It intrigued him but it would frighten him when he'd become a witness to the first of them some day in the near future. Right now though; attention is on their beacon of light.

Goose. His sire. The stallion had come and his mother seemed ecstatic but surprised. Shocked. Another emotion that puzzled the boy as he glances between the two of them. Mother spoke of weird customs having never been like this back home. Home? Wasn't this home? Riddler did not voice his inquiry this time but merely watches them talk and gathers all that he can of their conversation.

Goose would have braved a tsunami if it meant he was there for his Loire and their child. Goose was courageous but he was also stubborn. Storms would not hold the buckskin paint at bay. No way! Ears swiveled as she spoke of those strange customs here of men taking men. He scowls a little in this but notices their son's attention on him and grins sheepishly to hide the momentary displeasure of his expression.

"Strange. I do not recall such things myself from where I came either. These lands are so different but they are something I've come to expect." He shakes his head a little and sighs. It is a weary sound. It is a sound in which he wished to have hidden but could not help it. In these moments; he feels so helpless. Goose doesn't know how to change things. Imprisoned in a place he would never call home. The Lagoon is strange and it is uncomfortable. Musty and thick. The air was hardly something he found comfort in there.

"It is not pleasant there." He speaks softly and his eyes glance back out over the waters. The Lagoon was out there; just beyond the sight that they could see with the visible eye. A swim for sure but not one he could not handle. Riddler was too young to make it for sure and he'd never ask that of the boy. Not now or ever. Only if Riddler wished to make it and Loire felt it safe. Perhaps then Goose would be home though? They could not be truly sure. Such weird circumstances for sure.

"I wish such surprises were always something pleasant." So much that Goose needed to say and explain. So much that he dared not say in front of their son. It wasn't right that the boy learn such things so new to life. There was a time later on to explain such things to him. Not now though; not now. Gently; he feels her touch. Goose sighs in content then and there's a smile on his lips. "I've missed you. I've missed us." Too hard was it to realize that he would again have to draw away from her. It was them now though. Goose would have to leave them and he hated that realization. "I wish I could stay Loire. I must return though before he thinks I'm gone too long." Goose had no idea just how long Cullen would let him wander. Goose doesn't even know if wandering was something he could do as a prisoner. That doesn't matter to him though; he'd have never missed this. Not ever. "Rest my sweet. Look." He spoke softly as his nose gently bobbed toward their child. A smile on his lips as the boy had begun to slumber by her back legs. His body had touched the ground beneath him; bored of their conversation there. Slumber had taken him easily and gently Goose's nose brushes against their son's own cheek.

"Rest well my boy for morning will bring my absence again. Not forever though. I promise that." There is a brief stir and a mumble from the boy but he does not wake. Goose pulls back again and wraps his neck around her shoulders gently. "I must go Loire. Watch our boy well. I know not what Cullen is capable of." He signs gently and his eyes are filled with sorrow at needing to leave them. Goose would find a way somehow. Softly his lips find her cheek before he pulls away and turns. He moves toward the shore again. He could feel the cool sting of the lapping waves at his hocks. Back out into the blue abyss he must go and return to the Lagoon. His eyes search her form again as he turned to gaze once more on the pair. "I will come home my darling. I promise you this." Into the water then as he turned back to look out over the surging blue. He was a shadow after a bit and then she would not see him as he'd swam out past their line of sight.

(This is the wrap up to the birth thread and first meeting.)

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