The Lost Islands

Mother Goose is just a fairy-tale (Loire)

Mother had told him that father would come home. Riddler hadn't expected that it would be their pony leader going after him though. Riddler was confused by this. The fiery chestnut was always grumpy it seemed. Every time that he would attempt at getting her to talk to him, she would find a way to get out of it. Perhaps being a leader had a lot to do with it but still; he just didn't get it. Riddler was not mad or anything but the pony mare confused him. Riddler doesn't think that it was something that would ever change. This confusion.

This evening though; he is not worried about that. He is more worried that the pony mare had swum out into that dark blue abyss. Mother had told him that she would be fine. Mother had also mumbled beneath her breath and Riddler is sure that she must be upset with the going on that was happening. That Valka had been so stubborn as to will that no one but she was to go after Goose. That it was her fault he was gone and she needed to right the wrong. This confused the boy all the more.

"Momma! Are you sure she's coming back? Will daddy be with her?" Of course the questions would begin. Riddler was still so young but with the snows melting and the ice lessening it's grasp on them now; Valka had rushed out in the direction that once his father had taken to return to the Lagoon. Riddler had no idea what the Lagoon was but someday he would. Not that the child realized that now. Soon he would but not in these moments when neither of them even realized what had taken place. A deal made that Goose had felt was the only choice he had. Lose them both or lose his son to the Lagoon upon him weaning. A choice that a father would hate to have to make but one that had been forced upon them.

Riddler anxiously paced beside his mother. Back and forth before her soft scolding of him is noted. He pauses and then frowns. "But momma, they aren't here yet. Are you sure she went after him?" Riddler had his doubts until the pony mare and much larger stallion were finally spotted and a squeal left his lips.

"Momma look! She got him! She got him Mom!" He begins to pace again but it quickly becomes a prancing. The colt delighted at seeing the pony mare and his father in close tow. Both made it onto land again and Riddler rushed forward. It is first Valka he does circles around before dashing in to bump his nose to her own. There is delight in his laughing eyes as he nickers softly in gratitude. Then circles around his sire as the stallion laughs in amusement.

Riddler and he for some time played. Goose chased him around the Bay until the evening hours wore on and Riddler grew tired. Mother beckoned him to slumber and he obeyed. Gently; he bedded down content in knowing that his father was home.

Goose tired his boy out after a while and watched until silence had come over him in slumber. It is then that his sorrow filled brown eyes fall on Loire. How did he tell her that he'd bargained their son for her safety? How did he tell her that rather than subject her to that place and Cullen that Riddler would upon weaning have to go to the Lagoon? The inner war that rages on his thoughts is wearing on him. His ears fold back into his thick tendrils of ebony silk and he sighs.

"Loire.....I don't even know where to begin." His voice is low as to not stir the child that slept so near to them. "It pains me to have to even say this; that a deal had even to be made with him." Still; Goose does not blame Valka. None of them could ever have imagined that such a creature as Cullen could exist. So empty of concern or love. So cruel with bullying those that were weaker than him. Pitiful really.

"Upon his weaning, Riddler must go to the Lagoon." He looks down then. Goose is ashamed. There is anger and hate for Cullen. There is an uncomfortable feeling that he has not yet figured out that burns deep in his being. What was it? Was this what it felt like to wish someone dead? Did he wish Cullen dead? Goose would be lying if he felt anything less than that for the beast that had imprisoned him like a caged canary. Freedom was not Cullen's to take from anyone and yet he did. Goose was not the only one. Goose had not been the first and he would not be the last. Riddler was after all; to become one of Cullen's own upon his weaning. It pained the buckskin to realize this. It angered him that he had to bargain his son away to keep from Loire being subjected to that place. Awful place!

"I could not see you there Loire. I wouldn't have it. He threatened to take you from us. Valka fought again but she was no match for him. He was going to come for you but offered me a last chance deal. Take it or leave it." He shook his head. "I'm sorry Loire. If there had been any other way....I'll make this right somehow. His tyranny cannot last forever. The beast must fall at some point as all do." His eyes return to her again and he is quiet. What now? What will she say? Will she anger at him? Goose would deserve it perhaps but there was no way.

"I couldn't have you there. He's not sane. To even imagine him laying a single touch on you." Goose would never allow that and this had been his only choice. If there had been any other way. Vow he would make it right though as he'd told her. He must. Valka and he had to do something but what?

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