The Lost Islands

TuRn YoU tO sToNe

Her time in the bay had been well needed and she felt the weight of the world fall away from her shoulders as she grew and developed into the mare she was meant to be. Under Valka's gentle (and sometimes, not so gentle) guidance, she learned how to spar and take better care of herself. She grew in confidence and her ambitions for her future only grew with it. She still thought about her parents but knew she wouldn't go to see them any time soon, not until she had accomplished something she knew would make them proud. She kept track of the borders around the inlet too. She caught the change in scents when Bjorn left and a familiar one took its place, Warsaw. So he won it back. Medusa could only guess that meant Ironclad would be coming back with his small herd in tow. He had yet to make an appearance in the bay and she was beginning to wonder if he ever would. Maybe he'd forgotten about her. Maybe it was for the best.

She tried not to dwell on it too much. She wouldn't let it dent her ego. She was worth so much more than second best. And she showed it throughout the bay every day. She raced up and down the shore, screaming her challenge to the wind and sparring in the waves, lashing out at the water with her legs like she could tear it apart. She recharged herself by grazing a little during the afternoon then she'd do some exploring at the sun went down, knowing the herd lands could change so much with just the absence of the sun. That was what she was doing in the dim lighting of the sunset as she moved along the edge of the water. Her ears swiveled alertly as she snuck through the shadows, wondering what or who she might come across.

Medusa_mare_2yo_Mutt_14hh_Bay Dun Tobiano EE Aa Dd nT_one blue eye and one brown eye_Monster x Rougaru_betrothed to Ironclad_Tinuvel Bay


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