The Lost Islands

TuRn YoU tO sToNe

The bay dun paint had watched from the shadows as Valka and the bay went through major changes. Horses were stolen and deals made on the shoreline. Valka herself egrew quite large and then Medusa started seeing her with a tiny foal at her side. The sight made her smile and she wondered how the little mare liked motherhood but didn't want to ruin the moment for her by intruding. Besides, she had no doubt the chestnut mare could be a vicious defender if she thought she needed to protect that little foal. The snow melting up made the bay very wet but Medusa enjoyed it, splashing and playing in all the new streams and creeks that ran through the herd lands. She watched as the other herd members moved around. None had yet to approach her but she watched them as they went about their day to day routine. She saw some interact with Valka and could pick out the ones the little mare seemed to trust and confide in. It was nice to watch as she bonded with her herd. The red mare seemed to be a good leader in Medusa's book.

She was sure she could learn a lot from her. When the stallion from the cove had come to visit, Medusa was sure to make herself scarce since she could smell the faint whiff of Ironclad on his coat and thought at first he might have sent this stallion to take her. But instead the tall paint stallion had surprised her by talking to Valka. Things seemed heated for the most part but it was obvious there was something between them. It left questions for the dun paint mare, but she didn't want to put her nose where it didn't belong. It did beg the question though of who fathered Valka's child. When the news came of Warsaw taking back the inlet, Medusa could see the tension that built up in Valka and she worried for her friend. Apparently Bjorn might have been a friend or ally and it was obvious that Warsaw was not.

When she suddenly heard hoof beats following, the mare twisted her head around, brown and blue eyes falling on the smaller red figure of Valka and she slowed instantly, her lips tugging into a happy smirk as she tossed her head and nickered back to the mare. Snorting softly when the mare nudged her shoulder, Medusa swished her tail and leaned her own nose out to gently bump the mare's neck in response. She slowed to a walk and set the pace for something comfortable for Valka, not wanting to wear the mare out. "You're always welcome to walk with me." She assured her friend. "I see the bay isn't quiet for long. You're quite popular with the neighbors." She lifted her brow and tilted her head. "By the way, your son is adorable." She couldn't help herself, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Medusa_mare_2yo_Mutt_14hh_Bay Dun Tobiano EE Aa Dd nT_one blue eye and one brown eye_Monster x Rougaru_betrothed to Ironclad_Tinuvel Bay


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