The Lost Islands

cuba libre


surrounded by darkness yet enfolded in light

Bacardi waited patiently, though his wait was not long. He was surprised to see such a short shaggy mare answer his call, and even more puzzling that it was her scent that hung so heavy here. So she was the Bay’s guardian now? But compared to most others, the somewhat shorter stallion did not tower over the mare quite as badly. And with his nature being quieter, it did not give him any extra height where as some might have enough personality to make them bigger than life. The mare however, gave enough to make her not seem so tiny with her demands.

“I have no intentions of being an enemy.” Bacardi said, a bit rattled by her blunt misgivings. He took a step back, his ears flicking out to the side in his confusion and unease. If he wanted to be an enemy, he wouldn’t have waited at the shore after giving a call, right? Or had he further miscalculated how the world revolved? Giving a shake of his head as it to get rid of his anxieties that still curled in his chest, the young stallion again let his golden eyes focus on the mare. “My name is Bacardi, son of the Peak and leader of the Savanna.”

Though he usually wouldn’t introduce himself as son of the Peak anymore, he hoped his background would help the warrior woman to understand how he had been raised. How he would view a female’s role instead of the typical male view. “If I’m going to be perfectly honest….” Bacardi started, giving a soft frown. ”I don’t believe I’m ready to be a leader, and I would like a home that is somewhat like my birth home.” Was it wrong he told her such things, a total stranger? What did he have to lose in doing so? He only saw something to possibly gain. “Do…. Do you have a place for a Second?”

three years. mutt. bay tobiano. fourteen three hands. of the savanna.


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