Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesCarden Alvar Christmas Bird Count

The Carden Alvar Christmas Bird Count will be held this year again on Saturday, January 2, 2021 but under a different format due to COVID-19. There will be eight teams assigned to smaller areas that will work on their own and have only one to two members or up to three if in the same family bubble. I will assign the teams to the area and each team can start and stop counting in their area on their own decision depending on the weather and conditions. We will not be gathering before or after the count on count day. Each team will send their results to me by email and we will compile the results and send them out after the count. Let me know if you are interested and available on January 2nd to take part in the count and I will assign you an area. I am also asking for feeder watchers to watch their feeders and record bird species and totals visiting their feeders on count day.


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