The Lost Islands

comfort me with apples, for i am sick of love [x]

As Solomon looked upon his son as he stood across from his mother, he recognized the intrinsic truth that nothing could replace the bond of a mother and son. Even if Sǫlvarr opted to go years before returning to Valka's side, they would have a connection that Solomon could not begin to fathom, let alone change. It had been the same with his own mother, although their relationship had been… tumultuous at best. Annika had loathed his father, and resented her time amongst the herd, resulting in a base reluctance to dote upon the child that she had been forced to have.

From what little he can see, he surmises that there is a great deal more warmth between Valka and Sǫlvarr than he had experienced himself and was glad for it. Considering his conception had not been entirely planned, nor therefore (as his guilty conscience reminded him) entirely consensual, Solomon was lucky that Valka no longer appeared to hold it against him. In a weird and twisted way, it almost helps to affirm his long-held belief that children were often a solution to relationship problems. Frequently not the best solution, nor the quickest, nor foolproof, but a solution nonetheless. And one that required admittedly low effort on his part.

Still, Sabriel's face swims before his eyes and he quells the thought. He had sworn, not only to Wren and Ysabel and Sabriel, but to himself that such behavior would exist only in the past, where it belonged.

Valka's words, when they come, surprise him. He had not known whether to expect her to cut off their child entirely (her customs still confounded him) or to set unreasonable timelines, but he had not expected her to leave the choice to their son. It helps to reassure him in a strange way. Not that he had seen any maltreatment of their son in the stolen glimpses he managed from the border, but it served as the first commonality between them that Solomon could put a name to.

Regardless of what else happened in the world, children (and the family they represented) would forever be the most important.

Subtly, Solomon inclines his head, solemn with understanding.

Beside him, Solvarr is eager and Solomon's somber mood quickly evaporates with a laugh. He nods, intending to acquiesce to his request when the painted colt quickly dashes away from him. Warmth suffuses a smile as he watches, relieved to see that the colt was fond of his mother. If he had learned anything from watching mares and their children, it was that foals who did not hold much fondness for their dams were not likely to prioritize family in the future, no matter how much their sire revered it.

"Alright then," he said gleefully, stretching out to ruffle Solvarr's wispy mane with a sort of reverence. A part of him still could not believe that he was so close to his son. "Lead the way, son."

Solomon follows him for a moment to pause and turn to face Valka with an inclination of his head. "You are welcome to come to the Cove to see him, or call for him at the border if you wish." A smile twitches along his lips, wondering if she might find such an action too needy. "If you wish to check on him to make sure I am doing a decent job, that is."

With a wink made cheery by his happiness, Solomon darts after the retreating form of their son, his heart lighter than it had been in days.
Stallion | Dutch Harness Horse Mutt | Champagne Grullo Tobiano | 17 Hands | The Cove
Character & HTML by loveinspired | Image by Dirge

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