she built a house in the darkness [jacopo]

Birch rolled over, blinking in the early morning light pooling down through the canvas of the tent's roof. It was the third day since they'd come here, and she sensed the end of the journey nearing - or maybe she just hoped that was the case. As much as she enjoyed this time with Jacopo, as much as she'd needed it, the longer they stayed away from home the more worried she became. Were the kids alright? They'd already proven well enough that they didn't need her - but Jacopo was their guiding light, and she was worried they would get off course without him. She rubbed at the wrinkle between her eyebrows. No, no, they'd be fine. As long as Poppy didn't blow up the inn with her magic and Bohdi didn't set any wild animals loose in it (again), and as long as Olive didn't go into labor and as long as Cypress didn't end up pregnant and...

Birch groaned, rolling over in Jacopo's arms so she could curl into his chest. Pregnant. The word rang in her head again, this time less focused on Cypress. She wasn't even sure if she was still capable of getting pregnant - she had Eternal Youth, but she was over 300 years old. Unless being dead had reset the clock? She supposed the root of the question, really, was whether she wanted to be. In both her pregnancies Birch had done most of it alone, in solitary. Theoden had been off building their home, gathering the money they'd need to support another two mouths, and before that Jacopo had been in prison. Carrying the children alone hadn't been a horrible burden - Birch was tough, and she made things work - but she'd often wondered what it would have been like to have a partner there from start to finish. Olive, with Grayson now, would experience that, and Sapphy and Torram too.

Jacopo would be a great partner through something like that, she was sure. He was a great partner in general. It wouldn't be so bad, doing it over again, would it?

"Mom?" came a voice, shattering the early morning hush. Birch sat up with a start, nudging Jacopo. It didn't sound like one of the kids, but... "Mom?"

she heard the siren calls from the shadowy side,
she built a house in the darkness as the light fainted


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