The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

She knew she wasn't supposed to be here; that her parents would kill her if they knew she'd taken off on her own to investigate the land of a strange stallion in the midst of Fall. But knowing that she faced possible, eventual, far-off-in-the-future punishment was not nearly a strong enough deterrent to stop her from investigating.

Things on Tinuvel had gone so quiet that it had been a shock to them to all to realize that neither Valka nor Bacardi's scent lined the eastern border. The dark girl knew that her father had plans to come meet the new young stallion himself, but she had watched him hesitate this morning and assumed that he was still dealing with his own feelings regarding the matriarch that had preceded him. None of the family truly knew what had transpired between Valka and Solomon, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to notice the sudden change in his behavior.

The past, however, didn't really matter now. Now there was an exciting new arrival to get to know... one that was handsome and mysterious and had ears that curled in delicately like Mimosa's. Kohelet knew that her father would eventually visit to settle the matter of the Kingship... but who would teach him how to survive the winters in the meantime? How to find food when the land turned cruel, and how to break the ice where the water ran fast so that it would stay open for longer. And - though her dark cheeks flushed at the thought - how to conserve body warmth by cuddling close to your companions.

If she didn't teach him, how would he know?

Kohelet moved past the border of the Cove with a confidence that she was mostly projecting. Beneath the monochrome of her coat, her limbs felt as wobbly as a newborn's. She didn't particularly fear that the stranger would do something untoward - a surety born from the privileged safety she'd been raised in - but she did worry that he wouldn't react well to her arrival. The last thing she wanted to do was to spoil his chances with her father when he finally got around to making the trip himself.

Steeling herself with a breath, the young mare halted in a fairly open spot and lifted her head to call for the newest ruler of the Bay.

OOC: I don't want to plan out this interaction too much in advance because I find myself doing that too often lately, so whatever happens here, happens. <3
Filly // One // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh WFG
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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