The Lost Islands

Home is where your teeth sink in

I’ll keep the door open
in case you come home

Fell was aware of a few stragglers from the Bay’s previous herd that still remained within the territory. He hadn’t yet tried to seek them out, whether to drive them off or to possibly keep them, but he knew of their existence. He was certain there was a mare and her foal, and suspected there might even be another stallion, but the stallion was hiding himself pretty effectively and Fell had no reason just yet to hunt him down. However, he did not intend for the Bay to remain empty for long, and sooner or later he would have a herd of his own to protect — and would suffer the squatters no longer.

He hadn’t brought anyone back to the Bay just yet, but it wouldn’t be much longer. And with Fall in full swing, he didn’t want to risk any chance meetings between his own and the Bay’s previous residents. Their time here was just about up. Instead of making his way to the Crossing this morning as he usually did, Fell instead turned deeper into his own territory, and began look for any signs of another living within the woods.

Fell moved through the lightly snowed trees with soft footsteps, his velvet black nose to the ground and curled ears cupped forward in a dark halo over his head. Tinuvel winters came early, and it had already begun to snow again as he pushed deeper into the territory. As the ground began to steepen beneath him, and the cold soil turned stony and harsh, he caught the scent of mare and foal.

His temper began to rise. There was no question that the child was not of his own blood, so the aggression in him was already high as he climbed the foothills of the Tinuvel mountains. He would not have another stallion’s offspring in his own home, and once this spawn was taken care of, he would find and dispose of the other stallion here as well. He would have no threats to his bloodline in the Bay.

His mangled vocal cords produced a scratchy growl as he neared the source of the scent trail. He could see the figure of the mare between the trees, and thought he could make out the dark shape of the colt sleeping at her feet. He had no doubt she could see him. As he stepped through a part in the trees and the mare became visible to him, he could see that she was shaking, and that the colt was fast asleep. He halted a few paces away, and studied her, weighing his options. He could drive her out, and allow her to take the foal with her, but that was certainly turning down some kind of opportunity. She wasn’t exactly a threat, or at least, she wouldn’t be if he kept her in the Bay, where she couldn’t make any more foals with unknown stallions.

But what to do with the current foal at her feet, he was unsure. He was sure the father was not in the picture, or else the mare would not be here, but he of course could not ask to be sure. In any case, if the father came calling, Fell was sure he could handle things. He briefly considered whether or not he had it in him to reject the colt altogether, and leave it to die in the woods, but he quickly dispelled that idea. The best course of action, he decided, was to keep the mare and foal here, and run the child off when he was old enough to survive on his own. Until then, he would be tolerated, but safe.

Unable to communicate this decision, Fell advanced with his head lowered and ears pressed forward. Part of him knew he should be careful, but his hormones had kicked into high gear as soon as he had caught sight of them, so it was difficult just to restrain himself from rushing forward. His muscles were taught as he crept up the sloping ground, dark gold gaze never leaving the roan mare or her child.



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