The Lost Islands

warning signs like butterflies

i am under no obligation
to make sense to you

He said nothing, but Kohelet would not have heard him above the thrumming of her own heart anyway. Perhaps she would have found his silence strange if she had met him at any other time, but now, in this context, it only added to the intrigue she felt. He was a mystery to her, one that captured her attention and refused to release it no matter how much it might have been in her best interest to walk away before she got herself in trouble.

She stared, wide-eyed and frozen as he sidled next to her, the touch of his body against her own sending conflicting signals racing throughout her body. She wanted to shriek, strike, croon at, and lean into him all at once. All of it combined left her motionless save for those wide amber eyes that followed his progress.

As he touched her shoulder, she curled her painted neck around to reach toward him as well, nickering so softly it was barely audible, just a flutter of her nostrils against the dark skin of his chest. She had no idea he was attempting to show her his name. All she knew was that it felt right for his lips to be on her skin, his lean body pressed up against her own. The fire his touch left behind consumed everything in its wake, leaving no surviving shred of self-control with which she might resist him. He needed no wand, nor staff, nor mystic incantation to weave his magic, but it made him no less competent with it.

"I-" Her lips parted, although whatever she meant to say past the first syllable escaped her before she finished the thought, and she hummed a soft sound of discontent. She didn't know how to put into words the way she was craving more when she couldn't even decipher what 'more' was that she wanted. Only that despite the ply of his lips on her shoulder and the heat of his body against her own, he was somehow not close enough.

Frustrated at the nameless feeling, she flicked her tail in irritation, sending silken strands of her two-tone tail whisking across them both. Emboldened, but not knowing why, her lips parted again to nip lightly at the rippling muscle of his chest before withdrawing to offer a haphazard hope that he knew what she wanted, even if she didn't. "Please."

OOC: Figure we can probably wrap this one up soon? <3 I've got a new thread in mind after this one. ;)
Mare // Two // Black Tobiano // 16.1hh
Solomon x Sicily // loveinspired
Image by DangerOwl on Deviantart // Character & Coding by loveinspired


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